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Chandler State Park (also known as Chandler State Wayside) is located right off Highway 395 north of Lakeview. Although small, the park is a lovely area and is well worth the stop. The picnic tables here make for a great lunch spot nestled beneath Ponderosa Pines and next to gently flowing Crooked Creek.
The park is named after S.B. Chandler and his wife Hattie. Chandler was among the early pioneers of the area, and became one of the largest land owners running large amounts of sheep and some cattle. In 1929 he donated this land to the state to be made into a state park.
The park offers picnic tables, restrooms and drinking water. The park’s pine forests and riparian habitat make it a great place to watch for wildlife, particularly birds. Crooked Creek is also home to Rainbow Trout and can be fished.
There is no fee to visit Chandler State Park.
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