Hike-in Required
Water Temperature
Sensitive Habitat
Please respect the outdoors by practicing Leave No Trace. Learn more about how to apply the principles of Leave No Trace on your next outdoor adventure here.

Looking at Sol Duc Hot Springs today, it is hard to imagine the area was once a natural area that local tribes used for soaking and therapeutic sessions. Indeed, the springs have a long history of development over the last century, a history that was only briefly interrupted by some thermal spring issues in the 1970s. The springs are currently an extension of the Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort, and as such they feel very much like a typical outdoor pool or spa area; you'll get the luxuries of bathrooms, changing rooms, lockers, cafe, and the general services of the lodge.

The use of pools is complimentary for lodge guests, and visitors that come for the day can pay per visit or purchase passes. There are four pools available, each with different average temperatures. The warm pools range from approximately 99 degrees to approximately 104 degrees, while a freshwater pool fluctuates between 50 degrees and 85 degrees. All pools are drained nightly and refill naturally.

Note that Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort is closed in the winter, generally from the end of October through the end of March. Call 360.327.3583 for details and pricing.

Logistics + Planning



Parking Pass

National Park Pass


Well maintained grounds and pools.


Not a natural setting.


ADA accessible

Number of pools




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