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Halvor Tweto | 11.02.2018

Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, Will Robinson enlisted in the U.S. Army at age 22. At the time, serving was his lifeline, a way out of trouble. After five years of service in Iraq, Will was discharged with injuries sustained to both knees, a fused wrist, and severe PTSD. He was deemed unsuited for service. "I returned broken," he admits.

Upon retuning home, Will felt completely isolated and hopeless. After 12 years of suffering, alcohol abuse, medication, and therapists, Will finally broke the cycle. "At times I contemplated grabbing a handgun and pulling the trigger. If I didn't do something drastic, it wasn't going to go much further," he explains.

That's when Will took up hiking and began on the Pacific Crest Trail in 2016. Since then, he hasn't stopped walking. This summer he finished the Appalachian Trail, walking a cumulative 3,800 miles on his road to recovery. Up next, the Continental Divide Trail, which spans 3,100 miles between Mexico and Canada. His goal is to heal and promote healing and thru-hiking for anyone else who has suffered the effects of emotional and physical trauma.


"Akuna Hikes" is presented by Merrell, directed by Jessica Colquhoun, and produced by Lindsey Hagen. The film premieres on Sunday, November 11, 2018.

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