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Just like a mountain is daunting, climate change is a big problem to solve. If all of us take little steps and make little changes in our lives, we will all make a collective difference.
Last June, as I climbed Kilimanjaro with 25zero in collaboration with Kathmandu, it became important to share things that we can each do in our day-to-day to have a positive impact on climate change. We joined a local reforestation project in the area, Mount Kilimanjaro Project, whose mission is to revive the once-plentiful rainfall by planting millions of trees.
The effort to reforest Africa’s highest mountain will help to protect vital water supplies that are under threat across large parts of East Africa. According to a UN Environment report, “Climate change has already destroyed 13,000 hectares of the mountain’s forests since 1976—equivalent to cutting off a year’s supply of drinking water for one million people.”
Reforestation plays a massive role in the fight against climate change globally, but supporting projects like these is just one thing that we can do.
Top climate scientists have warned of huge risks of extreme heat, drought, floods, and poverty if global warming passes the 1.5 degrees Celsius. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report claims we are drastically off track.
Here are five things you can do today to help fight climate change.
Planting efforts on Kilimanjaro's flanks with The Kilimanjaro Project. Georgina Miranda.
1. Eat less meat, especially beef and pork
According to Bloomberg, raising animals for food is a major contributor to climate change, responsible for an estimated 14.5% of all global emissions.
2. Drive less
Carpool, bike, take public transport, walk, and utilize electric vehicles if you must drive. Driving your vehicle releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change.
3. No more plastic
One plastic bag can take 1,000 years to decompose. According to National Geographic, of the 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic that has been produced, 6.3 billion metric tons has become plastic waste.
Get a reusable shopping bag, carry around reusable water containers, and say no to plastic straws when out for drinks.
4. Use your investor power
Vote and support elected officials that are committed to working on solutions for climate change. Support businesses like Kathmandu that incorporate environmental policy in what they do and produce.
5. Contribute to reforestation projects
Deforestation causes 12 to 18% of the world’s carbon emissions, almost equal to all the carbon dioxide emissions from the global transport sector. Seven million hectares of forest are destroyed every year, an area roughly the size of Portugal. According to the UN, climate and forestry experts stressed that slowing the rate deforestation is the cheapest and one of the most effective ways to combat climate change.
Regarding plastic, don’t recycle it. Throw it in the trash and it will spend the rest of its long existence safely buried in a landfill; recycle it and it will likely end up floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where fish, birds and marine mammals may eat it and die, or UV sunlight will break it down and release carbon into the atmosphere. Its conceivable it will be responsibly recycled but that is unlikely since there is very little profit in recycling plastic.
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