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This is the designated uphill route at Bogus Basin. It's open all the time, providing access to runs on Deer Point. The track begins from the road near J.R. Simplot Lodge, and roadside parking is usually available right across from the trailhead. If those spots are full, you can park in the larger lot a bit farther away.
The track is all inbounds, but set by users and not specifically maintained, so the condition can be quite variable. Try to stay in the skin track as much as possible in order to keep it well defined. Look for markers on trees if you aren't sure you're in the right track. When snow is good, you might ski the trees around the track to return to the start, but normally you traverse beneath the radio towers at the top then ski the groomed runs. To make a loop, you can go down to base area then start the uphill over again, or cut over on Coach's Corner to reconnect with the track a bit higher up.
There's nothing super exciting about the inbounds terrain, but the all-day uphill access is nice to have. It's perfect for fitness laps, or just to earn some turns on a good day. Snowshoes are allowed on the track as well, so you don't even need a touring set up to use it.
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