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One of the longest rivers in the United States, the Snake River, passes through a 40-foot channel at Caldron Linn. When the river volume is high, the flowing water creates a spectacular series of cascades as it churns and pushes its way downstream. Even when the water is low, the river views are still worthwhile.
In 1811, a fur-trading party traveling from St. Louis attempted to canoe through the narrow passage. When one of the canoes hit a rock and capsized, they lost one of their men, a canoe, and some supplies. From there, they had to travel on foot all the way to Astoria, Oregon. They named the place Caldron Linn after their harrowing experience.
Modern visitors can marvel at the water and rocks from the safety of shore. At the parking area there are picnic tables where you can sit and relax by the river. Above the falls there are places to swim and fish.
The last bit of road down to Caldron Linn is very steep and rough. High-clearance vehicles are recommended. Alternately, park above the end of the road, before it begins to drop steeply, and walk to the river from there.
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