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The Aiton Heights Fire Tower was erected in the 1920s by the Minnesota Division of Forestry. In 1937 the tower was moved to Itasca to aid in fire detection and to provide education for visitors. The trail is a 2.2-mile in-and-out route. It starts either at Douglas Lodge or the designated parking lot for the trailhead. Most park employees will recommend the Douglas Lodge parking lot and going from there. If you choose to do that, follow the Deer Path Trail to the tower. The trail starts in a more decidous portion of Minnesota forest, an as you get closer to the lakes near the fire tower you'll start to arrive in a slightly thicker forest comprised of decidous and coniferous trees. The trail has a moderate and consistent elevation at the start. About half way into the hike the grade starts to level off until you reach the hill with the fire tower. Then it's another gradual climb toward the tower. As far as central Minnesota elevation gains goes, this is by no means strenuous. This hike could be done by anyone of any skill level.
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