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Mississippi River Bluffs Regional Park is a 190 acre park located about a mile north of Interstate 94 in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The park has a boat landing on the Mississippi. There are 18 parking spots by the landing. This area of the Mississippi River is known for excellent smallmouth bass fishing.
The park is an access point for the Beaver Island Trail which an asphalt hiking and biking path. This trail is just over 5 miles in length and runs from St. Cloud State University to River Bluffs Regional Park. The park has a wheelchair accessible picnic area right by the parking lot. There is also a shelter located in the woods about a half mile east of the parking lot. To get to the shelter follow the paved Beaver Island Trail for about 0.4 miles, you will see a trail to the shelter where the paved path turns to the west. A bit past the shelter, there are a couple spots to view the Mississippi from the bluff.
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