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Lagomarsino Petroglyph Site is an amazing collection of rock art dating to around 12,000 years ago and is one of eight petroglyph sites in Nevada (of the state's approximately 1200 sites) given historical status by the National Register of Historic Places.
While the area of petroglyphs presents a pretty surreal environment, the hike to get there is a hard one and will make you feel like you've really earned your visit.
A round trip distance of 10.5 miles over mostly trail-less streambed that includes soft sand, dense brush, and round slippery boulders will require patience and slow-going from even well-seasoned hikers. On top of that, cell service is extremely spotty at best, and hazards abound in the rattlesnakes that live throughout this canyon.
The trail and destination have seen next to no improvements, beginning at an unsigned dirt shoulder, having a few sections of single track from past hikers, but mostly meandering its way up a canyon that sees year round water from numerous freshwater springs, forcing hikers to pick their route wisely in order to avoid coming to a wet dead end. Though mostly monotonous, several stone walls and fencing remnants display the efforts of past homesteaders who resided in Lagomarsino Canyon. While the canyon remains empty today, portions of it remain wedged between a mining operation and the Lockwood Landfill. In short, there is some beautiful scenery back here, but also some challenges that will make the trek in more daunting.
Hikers should plan for a hard path that may even require scrambling up onto and traversing canyon walls through some of the narrows sections to avoid the Long Valley Creek at the bottom. Frogs, snakes, and bats are some of the wildlife that may be seen in the canyon, and many of the area's wild horses visit the stream to drink.
At a well-defined intersection, a track heads east beneath some high power lines, eventually leading to the petroglyph site. The rock art is believed to date from around 12,000 years ago, with art spanning the eras of Great Basin settlement. There are over 2200 recorded pieces of rock art in the small area of basalt stone. From the canyon, about 50 feet of uphill scrambling will put you in the area of the art.
From here, turn around and retrace your path out.
Consider studying aerial Images of the area to see where there were single track trails beforehand, as most of the trail-less sections are much slower and harder.
There are no amenities of any kind at the trailhead or anywhere along the trail. Be prepared with plenty of water and sun protection. There is a liquor store in Lockwood that visitors will pass on the drive in and out where you can get water.
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