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In the remote southeast corner of Washington, the region's landscape transforms from desert to mountain. As you move away from the wide open expanse of eastern Washington's Columbia River Plateau towards the Blue Mountains, lumpy hills begin to sprout out of the ground and gentle slopes careen upwards into rocky walls. Between patches of course sage brush, Rocky Mountain elk meander and underneath lonely pine trees rattlesnakes take cover. In the thick of this transformation lays the 10-mile green gulch trail, which cuts through the heart of this unique landscape and provides an opportunity for peacful seclusion and sweeping views.
This trail has two trail heads; one adjacent to the small community of Rogersburg and the other at the bottom of Green Gulch. Therefore, to be completed in it's entirity, two cars/a shuttle is key unless you are a motivated hiker looking for a 20-mile out-and-back trek.
Regardless of which trailhead you begin at, you will be met with a steep climb up hillsides that appear gentle from afar but are anything but once you're upon them. The trail is an old dirt road that has seen little maintenance. As you make your way up, overgrown shrubs and rock slides may require you to find an alternative route. However, once you have topped out on the hill. the landscape becomes gentler with wide open grassy fields, full of colorful wildflowers in the spring and stunning panaromic views.
Huge vistas are prevelant throughout, and as you hike you will see the snow capped peaks of the Wallowa Mountains and the confluence of the windy Grande Ronde and Snake Rivers. Also, if you're up for a rewarding side trip, Lime Hill allows you to stare down into the belly of the northern most portion of the awe inspiring Hell's Canyon.
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