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Please respect the outdoors by practicing Leave No Trace. Learn more about how to apply the principles of Leave No Trace on your next outdoor adventure here.
Katherine Donnelly | 07.09.2018

Climbing higher, running faster, hiking further, pushing boundaries, and breaking barriers. There is no obstacle too great, no mountain too high, no adventure too big or small for Women in the Wild. This isn’t about just keeping up with the boys, or "leveling the playing field." This is about striving for personal bests, finding strengths never thought possible, reaching summits - both literal and metaphorical - and tackling objectives that seem insurmountable. This is about learning that alone you are capable, but together we are unstoppable, and that community should always triumph over competition.

Welcome to the second annual Women In The Wild series!


What is Women In The Wild?

In a true celebration of femininity in the outdoors, we at Outdoor Project are opening our platform to anyone who would like to join in and share their love and support for the Women In The Wild in their lives. This is a series of stories, interviews, adventures, essays, trip reports, anecdotes, and everything in between. Throughout it all we hope to empower and inspire more ladies to get outside while kick-starting some very important conversations around camaraderie, equity, diversity, and community within the outdoors.

It's difficult to detail all that we hope to do with this series here, but over the next eight weeks we will do our best as a media brand to shine a light on the people who rarely get their fair share. We at Outdoor Project are also committed to making this the norm; when summer ends, our responsibility doesn't. Incremental progress may be taking place in the industry, but there is still a lot of work to be done, and we can ALL do better. This is our better, and it's just the beginning. 

Stay in the know on all things Women In The Wild by subscribing to our weekly #WITW newsletter!

This summer series consists of three main parts:

  • In-depth interviews with Women In The Wild
  • Female-focused content from the community
  • Gear and adventures giveaways


1. In-depth interviews with Women In The Wild

We are honored to have over 70 stellar women from throughout the industry taking part in this summer's events, many of which have participated in thought-provoking interviews about their backgrounds, adventures, work, and what makes them #WomenInTheWild. You may recognize their names or recognize their brands; you may also have no idea who any of them are. But we've asked these women to open up, be vulnerable, and share personal experiences, perceptions, and perspectives - and we are excited to share their words with you here:

2. Female-focused content from the community

This is an open invitation to anyone out there who identifies as a woman and who loves the outdoors. Join in, lend your voice, and have a seat at the table! 

Mothers, daughters, sisters; young, old, big, small; professional athletes, first-timers, weekend warriors and instafamous; women of color, immigrants, indigenous, refugees; LGBTQ; disabled recreationists, adaptive athletes. It doesn't matter what you look like or where you come from - the outdoors is for everyone.

3. Last but not least....giveaways, galore!

In true Outdoor Project fashion, nothing is complete without giving away rad gear and trips to our community - and so we are pleased to share that we'll be giving away over $10,000 in gear and even an all-inclusive tropical adventure trip this summer. Stay tuned and make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for giveaway definitely won't want to miss these.


Contest has ended as of September 3, 2018 and we are thrilled to congratulate Julie Harvey on winning such an incredible experience!



Contest runs from August 21 through September 18, 2018 and includes seven different prize packages worth a total of over $12,000!


Stay in the know on all things Women In The Wild by subscribing to our weekly #WITW newsletter!

If you are interested in joining in and contributing your own stories please contact We would also love to hear about any women you would like to nominate to be featured within this series!

Spent two weeks this summer repairing trails in the fabulous Bob Marshall Wilderness.
We bought a boat! From the purchase location to home was roughly a 1000 nautical mile sail. I had worked as a deckhand in Alaska in my 20’s but this was an entirely different type of adventure! There were many setbacks but you just go with it and learn as you go. A women’s sailing group told me “sailing is making repairs in exotic places”. What an experience! The sea is calling and you should go!
It is in nature, where there is not a soul in sight, that I feel less alone.
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