Utah offers hundreds of rewarding hikes, but there's something about wildflower season that makes them that much more enjoyable. Vibrant colors are starting to fill the foothills as the snow slowly releases it's hold on the mountains around Salt Lake City. From giant red paintbrush and yellow mule-ears, to purple lupine and pale evening primrose, there's no shortage of wildflowers to be found.
Due to Utah's unique topography, you can find flowers in bloom from March through September with desert areas blooming in late March, the lower elevations and foothills starting in late April through May, and the canyons and mountains peaking in July and August. Utah Wildflowers is a great resource for identification bloom schedules.
We've made a list of a few of our favorite hikes sorted by the time of year they should be in bloom. Pack your camera and share your wildflower photos in the comments below!
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