Sandy beach
Cliff jumping
Hike-in Required
Sensitive Habitat
Please respect the outdoors by practicing Leave No Trace. Learn more about how to apply the principles of Leave No Trace on your next outdoor adventure here.

Richardson Grove is one of Humboldt County’s beloved redwood state parks. During hot summer months, visitors’ attention will likely be drawn beyond the shade of the giant redwood trees towards the South Fork of the Eel River, where a stretch of tranquil water offers a respite from the heat with a series of swimming holes and beaches.

The park offers two main swimming areas: Swim Beach, located adjacent to the river parking area, and the main swimming hole, located a short walk downstream (to the north) by crossing a seasonal footbridge 

Richardson Grove's main swimming hole area is well situated with a family-friendly stretch of beach located across from a jumping rock with a deep pool below. Jumping options range in height from 5 to 20 feet. Shade is limited at both spots, so a beach umbrella will come in handy. Please make sure to practice Leave No Trace principles and lend a helping hand by cleaning up any trash you see when visiting the Richardson Grove swimming holes and South Fork Eel River area.

Richardson Grove State Park holds beautiful redwood groves and hiking trails near the swimming holes, as well as three options for camping

Logistics + Planning

Parking Pass

State Park Fee


Family friendly. Camping and hiking nearby.




Sensitive Habitat


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