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Lampson Falls is a wide and sliding waterfall on the Grass River in the Northern Adirondacks. Several flakes of bedrock add texture to the water as it falls approximately 40 feet into a large, calm pool. A beach and primitive camping area are located near the base of the falls, and there is a wheelchair-accessible viewpoint at the top.
From the trailhead along Route 27 visitors will pass a gate and then walk along a wide, flat gravel path for 0.6 miles. Along the way the visitors will pass the trail register and climb a very gradual rise. Shortly after the rise, a spur trail on the left will lead to a view of the Grass River above Lampson Falls. Returning to the main trail, hikers will find a wheelchair ramp leading to the top of the falls. Continuing down the increasingly steep road will lead to a small sandy beach near the base of the falls. A footpath continues out along a peninsula with great views of the falls and solitude further downstream.
At the start of the peninsula, a narrow footpath leads to the primitive camping area and privy.
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