Reservations possible?
RV Hookups
Potable water
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The campground located inside the 13,050-acre Ricketts Glen State Park consists of two main loops (Big and Small) containing 120 tent and trailer sites, five cottages, and 10 family cabins. Although no water or electricity is available at non-cabin/cottage sites, they are slated to update some of the campsites within the Small Loop in the fall of 2018.

Recently added to the campground were five cottages along the lakefront that are equipped with furnishings such as fridges, heat, and electric. However, there is no running water in the cottages.

In addition to the five cottages, Ricketts Glen Campground contains 10 cabins, each with living and dining areas, shower/toiletries, and multiple bedrooms. Cabin F is ADA accessible. These are also the closest campsites to both the lake and the trails to the falls.

Overall, there’s a good bit of space between each site, some more than others, but you’d be hard pressed to feel too close to your neighbor. The campsites along the lake fill up fast, and some may need to be reserved up to a year in advance. Lots of tree cover is available, and both loops have trail access to the beach.

This is a popular destination during the summer months, so reserving your site(s) in advance is recommended.

Logistics + Planning

Preferable season(s)


Parking Pass

Not Required


Lots of tree cover. Close to all trails/swimming.


No cell service.

Pets allowed

Allowed with Restrictions

Managed by



ADA accessible
Flushing toilets
Boat ramp(s)
Swimming holes
Potable water
Picnic tables
Covered picnic areas
Horseback riding


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