Motors Allowed?
Easy / Class A
9.00 mi (14.48 km)
Please respect the outdoors by practicing Leave No Trace. Learn more about how to apply the principles of Leave No Trace on your next outdoor adventure here.

The Wolf River is one of the few rivers in this area that is largely unspoiled by humans. It has never been commercially polluted, and because of this wildlife and nature are very abundant here. Once you push off on this water way you will start to visualize what makes this place so special. At times you will believe that you are in the Louisiana swamps or in Florida Everglades. The river offers paddlers five unique ecosystems to enjoy: the bottomland hardwoods, open shrubby wetlands, cypress-tupelo swamp, open water swamp, and grass wetland. Some of the wildlife you might encounter include wood ducks, scarlet tanagers, prothonotary warblers, red-headed woodpeckers, herons, egrets, and others. As you continue down the river, make sure to keep a keen eye out for the blaze markers to help navigate you through this 9-mile adventure. Halfway through this trip you will enter the Ghost River. The Ghost is a very large swamp, and the only movement in the water will be from your boat. This place is one of the most unique areas in all of Tennessee. Please take time to enjoy the serenity around you. One very important thing to remember about this area is that, while it looks like you could go in many directions, there is only one way out. Watch for the signs the entire time. If you have never done this trip, it is also recommended that you have someone with you. Learn more about this trip by visiting the Wolf River Conservatory site.

Logistics + Planning

Preferable season(s)




Parking Pass

Not Required


One of the most majestic parts of West Tennessee. Great time for friends and family.


Crowds can be large in the summer.


Picnic tables
Bird watching

Site characteristics: Water


Portage required



Nearby Lodging + Camping


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