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This mountain biking loop near Provo, Utah, may not have the epic vistas that so many mountain bikers seek, but the thick tree coverage, running creeks, small waterfalls, rock formations, open meadows, wildflowers, and variety of wildlife all add up to make the Wardsworth Creek Loop one of the most beautiful trails you will ever ride. Likewise, because of its relatively low elevation and the fact that it runs along a large creek nestled at the bottom of a small canyon, the trail remains surprisingly temperate throughout the year. That makes it one of the first trails to open in the spring, one of the last to close in the fall, and one of the coolest rides in the summer.
Although it is common, and very enjoyable, to begin the ride at the Wardsworth Trailhead and ride the first section of the trail as a 3 mile out-and-back, it is possible, and highly rewarding, to ride Wardsworth as a 9 mile loop. You’ll want to begin at the Dry Gulch corrals about 2 miles before the actual Wardsworth Trailhead. After a quick pedal up the road, you’ll get into the flowing singletrack. The first mile and a half is a quick and enjoyable pedal. After that the trail splits at an obvious trail marker. You’ll want to head left. The climb gets dramatically steeper at this point. You’ll wind up along a small creek where you’ll see some small waterfalls in the spring, but that dries up later in the season. After a long climb through aspen groves and cottonwoods you’ll get into sagebrush meadows littered with oak trees at the top of the mountain. Be careful to not get sidetracked onto the various cattle and deer trails up here. Hang a slight left at the first watering hole and continue north at the second. You’ll briefly tie into doubletrack before you see a trailhead marker and a lovely piece of singletrack heading north again.
From here it’s a fast, steep, loose, and bobsledy descent through the trees. Be careful! This part of the trail is not frequently maintained and there are likely to be fallen trees on the trail. There are a few more short climbs and long descents that often roll over the rocky Dry Gulch creek bed. However, you’ll find the ride isn’t nearly as technical as it is physically grueling. The fast descents and beautiful scenery more than compensate, however, making Wardsworth Creek Trail a great ride in the area.
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