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Boca Grandi, or Boca Grande, translates to "large mouth", which gives a good idea of this white sand cove on Aruba's eastern side.
While driving toward the beach, Aruba's prison set on a hill overlooking the beach can seem an odd sight. However upon parking and walking the short distance to the shore, Boca Grandi is picturesque, with white sand, bright blue water, and blue skies stretching as far as you can see.
The beach does tend to get some of the rough surf that hits the island's eastern side, so conditions often aren't great for swimming, though you might get lucky with calm waters, and also lucky in getting to see some of the sea turtles that visit the cove. Most often, the choppy surf provides an ideal surface for the windsurfers that crowd this beach. Particularly on weekends, you might be able to visit Boca Grandi and see them cris crossing the waters, leaping from the incoming waves.
This beach does make an excellent area to lay out in the sand at. With spacious shoreline, and amazing scenery, this would be a spot if you're looking for something quieter than the popular Baby Beach. However if you really want to escape the crowds, consider going just a little bit further to Grapefield Beach.
Boca Grandi has no amenities of any kind. 2wd cars will generally be able to make it to the parking area with no issues.
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