Are you considering taking your family on a national park road trip? Great!—stop thinking about it. Go out and do it.
America’s national parks are truly our nation’s best idea, and for your family they represent a lifetime of memories in the making. Not only will visiting a national park offer quality, good old-fashioned family time where you can truly catch up with one another, the physical exploration of the park is good for the body, soul, and mind.
National parks are in many ways the educational stronghold of this country. They tell the story of our geological and cultural past. They include some of the most breathtaking places, the kinds of bucket-list destinations that you will want to visit again and again.
Also, if you haven’t ever invested in an annual pass to all the national parks, 2018 might be the best year to start doing it. With the proposed fee hike to get into some of these parks, it’s actually now more economical to pay the $90 annual pass rather than the $70 one-time access fee. Get your money’s worth and visit as many as you can!
So don’t wait and don’t hesitate. Plan your family's trip to a national park ASAP. To make it easier for you, here is a list of our favorite national parks and the family-friendly adventures (short, easy hikes) you can explore in each of them.
Here are more must-see national parks. Click through to see more family-friendly adventures listed on each page.
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